Am I alright with the decisions that God makes even if it's not what I would have wanted?
Have you ever pondered the meaning behind pain, death, and suffering? Most people begin to, but because answers cause them to question things that they don't want to question, they tend to back off out of fear of offending their own religion. I don't think God is offended when we ask Him big questions that are impossible for us to answer for ourselves. There is a whole book of the Bible (Job) in which a man questions his God and his God answers. However, this isn't like a high school pop quiz with tidy bullet points and multiple choice, nor is it like a job interview; God doesn't answer with 'answers' per se, but with more questions. Those who try to explain mysteries are arrogant unless they submit their ponderings to God the way Job did. However, painful things continue to happen....
"Death itself is not a nothing. It is not a mere lack of life. It is life's enemy and as a SOMETHING, takes life's place. Death hates life." - Walter Wangerin, jr.
We are not floating in a celestial sphere that prevents pain. We have a real enemy, and our enemy hungers for our destruction. However, our real enemy (as we must) submits to God, so nothing that happens is out of the order of God's universe. How do we oppose our enemy if he answers to God as well? Is there anything we can do?
"Jesus' first coming did not solve the problems of planet earth, rather it presented a vision of God's kingdom to help break the earthly spell of delusion." -Philip Yancey
"In this world you will have trouble..." -John 16:33a
Christ was not spared trouble, loss, or sorrow, and a servant is not greater than his master. What was accomplished by his suffering? Life. What is accomplished by our suffering? Life. How could the answer be anything different. Here is a paradox of our mysterious Lord: death yields life. As our enemy must bow before God, so death bows before life, and anytime it is given authority to take something, it must give ten times more at least because our God is a God of Life. He is holy and just. John 16:33 goes on to say," But take heart! I have overcome the world." Why? Because it needed some overcoming! And as a servant is not greater than his master, so a good master as the one we serve, will not forget his servants and will indeed share the victory.
Why do I share all of this when I normally blog about farming? Because death, loss, suffering and pain are normal parts of farming. But all these things must submit to God who orders the world. I had a lamb born a few days ago on a very cold day in April. Because of the cold, she became hypoglycemic. The previous day or two were 80 degrees outside and if she had been born on those days, she would not have had this trouble. However, God ordained her birth day and it is what it is. I am nursing her as I have been for the past 24 hours and it all seems the same. No deterioration and no improvement. This limbo is in submission to God, though. This lamb is in submission to God. The weather is in submission to God.
.....Am I in submission to God?
Wow. Wonderful post Adrienne. We just lost our cat that was a true gift from God. You can read about Dexter on my blog. Since his death I have questioned God and tried to understand but at the end of the day I realized that all I can do is submit to His Will and know that He never intended us to feel such sorrow but we live in a fallen world. There is hope too because one day He will make everything right. No more heartaches, tears, hurts.... Thanks for the encouragement.