I've been reading Acts chapter 18 and it's actually not all that interesting on the surface. However, in reflection, there are profound things that can be gleaned from it. As in much of the book of Acts, in this chapter Paul is traveling about different regions and preaching. He speaks in the synagogue and when he says he needs to go, it breaks people's hearts because they love having him there. The most impressive part is in verse 23 where it says,"(he) strengthened all the disciples".
We all know that Paul wrote letters to believers throughout many regions and communicated efficiently exactly what they needed to hear. However, as he moved among his people, he 'strengthened them'. I know from personal experience that a timely letter from a believing friend can 'touch my heart' and 'encourage me'...but only intimate fellowship can 'strengthen me'. There is an intense difference.
What in the world does this have to do with farming? Brace yourself, because it does. Most people know what probiotics are, right? It's the good bacteria that strengthens your immune system. When you're raising livestock, you can get probiotics to your animals in two different ways: 1) you can purchase a plastic tube or packet of powder with the bacteria in it and have your animal take it orally. 2) you can graze different species of animals side by side. How does letting them graze side by side give them probiotics? I'll tell you: when a critter eats, a critter poops. Most animals have droppings that are LOADED with good bacteria that cause the droppings to quickly break down into good compost. This fertilizes your pasture and exposes your other animals to the 'strengths' left behind by the previous animal's droppings. Often, I find myself gazing out over the pasture, watching my animals lift their tails and relieve themselves and keep munching without pause. In and out...in and out...(you get the picture). I reflect that they're leaving something behind for the other animals to benefit from.
I liken the store bought probiotics to the letters that Paul sent to believers. They were more 'packaged' and 'shipped' if you know what I mean. I liken his movement among disciples in person as the 'grazing side by side' approach. As a follower of Christ who longs to fellowship with others, I send off my packaged and shipped 'strengtheners' in the form of emails that put a smile on other people's faces. However, when people are able to interact with me, we are able to strengthen each other in a more profound way as iron sharpens iron. No one would argue that when you deal with people, you start to realize that everybody has their...um....strength that they leave behind.....and it's not always in a pretty package....(don't make me have to describe this more graphically; I know you know what I'm saying).
So let us forbear with one another and bear one another up. Let us freely deposit that which was sown into us to strengthen our fellow 'grazers'. Indeed, let us also ship our 'strengths' across the seas for when we cannot be close to one another. Remember also, that if you hold it in, you'll make yourself sick. 'Nuff said.
The aroma of Christ to some is sweet incense; to others, it is the stench of death. He has marked us with His Holy Spirit. So, like it or not, we're going to leave our mark on the world!!!