"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God." -Romans 12:1
On March 20th of 2009, I had an alpine goat give birth to twins. One of the twins was a little buckling named Kevin. Kevin grew up and that autumn, he bred two of my does and then I sold him. I sold him to a dear friend who used him to breed all of her does and she even let her neighbor bring her does over to breed with him as well. By the end of winter, Kevin was tired.
With the money from selling Kevin, I purchased materials necessary for raising a dairy calf that I was planning on buying for my son for his birthday. These materials aided in feeding that calf which is now a healthy weight.
One of Kevin's babies which was already born, has also been sold to a woman who had always wanted a little alpine/lamancha goat. Others of his babies are being reared for meat and milk across the Ashtabula/Geauga County areas.
When Kevin was done breeding, he was turned into a delicious batch of sausage that brought pleasure to the family who bought him. This sausage refreshed them with the nutrition they needed to work and grow and learn.
Because of Kevin, many things have happened to benefit this local area. Most important, he bred many does so that the families who owned them could once again milk them.
One little goat. One little seed planted. He was only a goat. You are a child of the Most High. What can you do?
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." - John 12:24
I love how you can take a goat, a pile of maure, and mammeries and make me think of the Lord. True talent and gifting!