"How sweet to my tongue is your promise, truly sweeter than honey in my mouth!"-Psalm 119:103
Why do you trust God? Is it because He's never failed you? Is that something you believe or something you know?
My home has to revolve around a schedule. I go out to the barn to do chores at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. If I ever forget this, my animals will not. Starting at maybe 7:15 a.m. I see the early risers outside begin to stretch, get a drink of water and gaze out from the planks in the fence toward the house to see if what they're longing for might come somewhat early. About 8:30 a.m., almost all of the animals are out and getting some grass from the pasture while they wait. A few especially anxious ones pace the fenceline and call for me. At nine, there is a chorus of "Maaa! Maaa!" coming from the barnyard. Not only I, but the neighbors are hearing this. If I linger until 9:15 or 9:30, then some animals will give up and either go back out on pasture or go back into the barn to mope and doze back off. The rest get cranky and start bawling and pushing their neighbors about to deal with their frustration. What they have here is my promise that my care will be delivered at 9:00 a.m. and they behave accordingly.
The bottle babies bombard the fence with their heads and legs sticking out and their lips twitching in anticipation for their bottle. The milkers assemble themselves in the proper order for milking time. The sheep wail at the top of their lungs knowing that they're last in line. The horses prance back and forth whinnying and pricking their ears in my direction. It's time for feeding and milking and they know it. I don't have an alarm clock in the barn, but they just know it.
When God delivers a word to you, do you eagerly wait and look out for Him? Or are you one who gives up and tries to forget about the gnawing in your soul to be satisfied in His promises? There are some who are lazy, there are some who are mopers, some who get impatient and some who never give up and keep a lookout.
One day, my Lord is going to come. He told me He would. I believe Him. He will come bearing what I've been longing for during the night of my life. How empty and longing I feel sometimes looking out and calling for Him....
But, I shall wait upon my Lord. I will rise up with wings as an eagle because I will not give up. I will not mope. I will not take my frustration out on my neighbor and I will not go try to satisfy myself. He comes bearing goodness and I believe Him.
Somewhere in time is my 9 a.m.....
Oh, how sweet in my mouth is the promise of my Lord. I am proclaiming it to you because it's true. Marana, ta!
Glory hallelujah! You are spot on. Waiting is so hard and yet God continually asks us to wait on Him. Thank you for the visual. I will definitely remember it. Come thou long expected Jesus!