Did I ever tell you how we got into farming? Probably I did, because I can barely help myself but to tell the tale. God is good...and most certainly interesting.
When I was pregnant with Elisha, my firstborn, I had high blood pressure. My midwife insisted that I try to find a way to lower it naturally or they would need to induce me. I despaired and worried, which did not help my blood pressure. One day, though, I was listening to a christian radio program and they were interviewing a doctor that specialized in eating for your blood type. I knew I was an O, but I didn't know the significance of it. I ordered his books and soon began to eat for an O type. Immediately, I saw a difference, especially in energy levels and my blood pressure was normal enough to not be induced.
When I delivered my son, I continued to eat for my blood type, but began to have painful attacks in my back and chest (it took me more than 5 years to figure out it was gallstones; I thought it was a problem with my nerves and spine). I figured I was still not being strict enough in my diet, so I decided to get more hardcore about it. I read "The Maker's Diet" by Dr. Jordan Rubin and applied the principles. One of the things I read about was the importance of raw goat milk. As soon as I read it, I could have sworn I heard a chorus of angels rise and ring a bell named 'epiphany'. "Yeeessss!" they sang,"Yooouu neeeed gooooaaaat miiiiilllk!" (of course, I didn't REALLY hear this; please don't commit me). Of course, for a logical and practical person like myself, the natural conclusion was not to purchase such a product, but to produce it myself. I cannot explain it other than divine compulsion.
Not more than a week or two later, I was shopping in the grocery store with my baby boy and a strange lady approached my son. She leaned over him and smiled. Then she spoke some words I never forgot. She said,"You need a goat." Right....when was the last time that happened to you? Where are all the ladies who say,"What a cute baby," or "Aaaaw, enjoy him while he's little"?! No, I had to get the lady who prophesied about owning a goat.
From that day, I knew what I was supposed to do. It has actually become a destiny for me and I take it seriously.
Many people have the misfortune to wander aimlessly through life convinced that they're not actually being directed. I would argue this. I firmly believe that God is lingering at every corner we turn in our lives, whispering and sometimes yelling and often sending kooky prophets to speak His divine will for our lives. We must listen! Oh, listen, people: God is speaking to you at all times!!! He will not leave you! He will not forsake you! He will not leave you wondering and wandering about something so precious as your future! If he would come and speak to a lowly, disobedient person such as I was, then he will most assuredly speak to you.
Jesus says in John 10:26-29: "The reason you don't trust is that you are not included among my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice, I recognize them, they follow me, and I give them eternal life. They will absolutely never be destroyed, and no one will snatch them from my hands. My father, who gave them to me, is greater than all; and no one can snatch them from the Father's hands."
Understand, brothers and sisters, that if we have clean hands and a pure heart, God will lift us up and give us the desires of our hearts. Cast aside whatever is deafening you to the Shepherd's voice. Whatever it may be is not worth it. Only knowing His peace and experiencing His promises of life and spiritual protection and blessing is what makes life worth living. I am honored to serve a God of intimacy. Any of his servants share in that honor and I, in turn, am honored to call you brother and/or sister!
Wonderful post! I laughed and was also ministered to greatly. And, shhhh...I have heard angels singing about stuff...:-)
ReplyDeleteYou and mom have something in commom. When we lived in Crystal Lake, a woman at a nursing home told her that God wanted her to live in Michigan. And shortly afterwards we found ourselves in Escanaba...