On Memorial Day we rotated our animals to different pastures. We put our goats out front where the horses normally are and put the horses in the rear where the goats and sheep normally graze. Doing this improves both pastures since each type of animal will eat different types of plants based off of preference.
After rotation, we packed up in our truck and went to our neighbor's house. While we were gone, a thunderstorm broke out and I wanted to go home to check on the horses so that they'd know where to find shelter since they were in a field that was strange to them (yes, horses really aren't all that bright). I opened the barn door and my haflinger whinnied to greet me. I was happy to see the horses found shelter, but as she approached me I gasped in shock. She had a giant 8 inch gash across her shoulder! It was torn so deep it was into her muscle. I still don't know for certain what she cut herself on, but I know it must have been metal because it was such a clean, razor like cut.
We called our veterinary friends who worked on dogs, cats, alpacas, goats, etc., but they would NOT touch a horse. We groaned, as we knew we could not afford an equestrian vet. She needed stitches and we couldn't do it. I led her out of the barn and tied her to the bumper of the truck. My husband fed her treats while I took to the wound to clean it with a Q-tip. She fought and pawed the ground and tried to bite us as it obviously hurt her a lot.
In the end, all we could do was resign to help her fight infection. Our dear neighbor came down the next day to give us penicillin for her. For the next few days, we gave her shots of penicillin and cleaned and redressed her wound many times. Her wound began to close, but then she figured out how to chew her dressing off and that exposed the wound to flies. So, we were left to fight not only infection, but flies! Now, we are applying a special antibiotic gooey, sticky ointment that sticks like tar over the gash and then we spray a fly repellent around the entire area.
This made me ponder how when we are wounded in our hearts, how we and others ought to respond. When the wolves in this world smell our blood, they lust for it. Like vultures circling, many people will look to kick you when you're already down. Many people are more like an annoying fly that hover over your vulnerable areas and inadvertently spread their infections and lay their miserable eggs in you that give birth to more of themselves at your expense.
All we can do is make sure that WE are not the wolves, the vultures, or the flies and to guard ourselves against those who are. Apply the cleansing power of the Holy Spirit to your wounded areas. Jesus claimed he was our Comforter and Counselor. Put walls around your vulnerable areas to ward off the enemies of your wounds. However, these walls MUST be penetrable by those who can be trusted, as in those who can help apply the salve of the Holy Spirit and those who can help keep you cleaned and uninfected.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life." -Proverbs 4:23
If our heart falters, we falter. The joy of the Lord MUST be our strength. He strengthens our ankles so they do not turn though we run on uneven ground.
When you are attacked and wounded, there is no shame in that. Wounded soldiers are regarded as heroes in war. Dear brother/sister in Christ, I give you now a Purple Heart for your bravery for making it thus far in life. Hallelujah, you still walk with your Lord because He is faithful. Guard your heart! Those wounds can be the death of you if you do not keep your heart clean and submitted to those who will help you. As my mare fought me and tried to "clean" her own wound by licking at it, your attempts to nurse your own wounds may indeed prove futile. You need help, and that's not an insult. Her attempts opened her wound further and left debris from her mouth in it. God did make man to be self-sufficient. Though it makes mention of marriage, God said,"It is not good for man to be alone." I believe that this is a call for the Body of Christ to also be unified so we might strengthen and encourage each other.
Let us, as Nehemiah and his fellow Israelites did, build the Wall around this City of God with one hand and firmly grasp our sword with the other. Above all else, GUARD YOUR HEART!
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